Sunday 24 November 2013

The rivalry between Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and Bigg Boss 7 contestant Kushal Tandon seems to be a never ending topic

Just when everyone thought that the TV heartthrob will finally make peace with the host of Bigg Boss 7 post his re-entry on the show, Salman Khan has added another twist to their fight. In last night's episode (November 23, 2013) Salman Khan told Kushal Tandon he is not important to him and that he has more important things to do in life.

The young lad who was dismissed from the seventh edition of Bigg Boss 7 for his aggressive behaviour with co-contestant Andy returned to the show last week.

Salman Khan also mentioned that he is just the host of the reality show and never interferes nor has any decision making powers in the show. He further said that he felt that the way Kushal was dismissed from the house and was again brought back in the game show was unfair. And had it been any other contestant in his place Salman Khan would have felt the same.

During the show Kushal tried to explain his point and said that that he has no ill feeling towards the actor and said that even he would have done the same thing if he was in Salman Khan's place. Kushal said Salman's support for Tanisha, who is like a family to the superstar, after her fight with Kushal was justified and he would have also done the same thing.

The entire controversy started when after his eviction Kushal during all his media interactions stated that "I was a huge fan of Salman. I did not expect that Salman 'bhai' will do this to me. But I also understand his emotions. He is emotional like me and I could relate to him. It was his personal decision but he was biased towards Tanishaa. I haven't done anything wrong,"

He also said, "Salman bhai has seen Tanishaa grow up in front of his eyes, so I can understand when he takes her side. But Armaan? I am shocked that Salman cannot see how he has been bad-mouthing the women in the house."

Kushal also went ahead to claim that Salman Khan had apologized to him but during an interview to Times Of India online, the actor said that his statements about Salman Khan were misinterpreted by the media and were blown out of the proportion.

There were also several reports in the media claiming that Kushal's claims had not gone down well with Salman Khan and that the delay in Kushal's re-entry on Bigg Boss 7 was because of Salman Khan. To which Salman Khan said that he has better things to do than to stop Kushal re-entering Bigg Boss' house.

Salman said that Kushal is too small as an entity for him to matter that much. Kushal immediately responded to Salman that even he feels the same way. He said: "You (Salman Khan) are a superstar, I am just a beginner, why would you care about me."

Kushal tried to explain Salman that he never said anything against Salman Khan to which Salman said that the way he had behaved in the house it is not difficult to not believe that Kushal could have said all that. He also told Salman that he can never take mileage by using Salman Khan or anyone else' name.

While Kushal tried his best and requested Salman to say that everything was fine, the actor refrained from saying that and told if Kushal says so he believes him. Salman also said that all the contestants of Bigg Boss 7 should sort out their fights, differences between Monday to Friday and should not bring them to the Saturday episode so that at least he stays in a good mood.

Looks like Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who is never known to forgive and forget his enemies has added a new name to his list of rivals.

Source : Times of India

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