Upcoming Bollywood movie "Mickey Virus" is an comedy Thriller film which is written & directed by Saurabh Varma. "Mickey Virus" is produced by Arun Rangachari and Vivek Rangachari under the banner of DAR Motion Pictures in association with Trilogic Digital Media Limited & Awesome Films Pvt. Ltd.
First time on Big screen Anchor Manish Paul who is an Anchor by profession is playing main leading role in the movie. Other than that stars Elli Avram, Manish Choudhary, Puja Gupta, and Varun Badola as main characters are also in the film. Presently Elli Avram is one of the contestants of the famous and lovable show Bigg Boss 7 on Colors channel. Right now she is not (cut-off from world at the time of Movie also) in the contact with anyone because inside the House of Bigg Boss, Release, making it a first of its kind Bollywood Debut
Film was shot in New Delhi which also includes in office complex of Nehru Place. Many Bollywood stars like Salman Khan, Madhuri Dixit, Ranbir Kapoor, Anil Kapoor and director Karan Johar were seen in a promotional video of "Mickey Virus". The Movie itself shows the new techniques of high profile robbery which might related to real life robbery incidents and thats why it has come under the scanner of Governmental Agencies.
The film is all about the hacker Mickey. Delhi Police comes and begin their search to find a computer hacker for case revolving around hacking, they want the guy who can help them crack this case. The head of the police team ACP Siddhanth (Manish Choudhary), comes in the contact of Mickey Arora (Manish Paul), a lazy street smart hacker and he actually helps them solve this case.Mickey is a big creator of virus he creates virus's for anti virus companies in the night with his Tom boy friend Chutney (Puja Gupta) who always helps him out.
First time on Big screen Anchor Manish Paul who is an Anchor by profession is playing main leading role in the movie. Other than that stars Elli Avram, Manish Choudhary, Puja Gupta, and Varun Badola as main characters are also in the film. Presently Elli Avram is one of the contestants of the famous and lovable show Bigg Boss 7 on Colors channel. Right now she is not (cut-off from world at the time of Movie also) in the contact with anyone because inside the House of Bigg Boss, Release, making it a first of its kind Bollywood Debut
Film was shot in New Delhi which also includes in office complex of Nehru Place. Many Bollywood stars like Salman Khan, Madhuri Dixit, Ranbir Kapoor, Anil Kapoor and director Karan Johar were seen in a promotional video of "Mickey Virus". The Movie itself shows the new techniques of high profile robbery which might related to real life robbery incidents and thats why it has come under the scanner of Governmental Agencies.
The film is all about the hacker Mickey. Delhi Police comes and begin their search to find a computer hacker for case revolving around hacking, they want the guy who can help them crack this case. The head of the police team ACP Siddhanth (Manish Choudhary), comes in the contact of Mickey Arora (Manish Paul), a lazy street smart hacker and he actually helps them solve this case.Mickey is a big creator of virus he creates virus's for anti virus companies in the night with his Tom boy friend Chutney (Puja Gupta) who always helps him out.
Cast :-
Manish Paul play role as Mickey Arora
Manish Paul play role as Mickey Arora
Elli Avram play role as Kamayani
Varun Badola play role as Inspector Devender Bhalla
Manish Choudhary play role as ACP Siddhanth Chauhan
Nitesh Pandey play role as Professor
Vikesh Kumar play role as Pancho
Raghav Kakkar play role as Floppy and Puja Gupta play role as Chutney.
The music of the film "Mickey Virus" is composed by Hanif Shaikh. The movie is sheduled to be released on 25th October 2013.
Movie : "Mickey Virus"
Directed by : Saurabh Varma
Produced by : Arun Rangachari and Vivek Rangachari.
Story by : Gaurav Varma, Saurabh Varma and Elvin Raja.
Starring : Manish Paul, Elli Avram, Manish Choudhary, Puja Gupta, Nitish Pandey and Varun Badola.
Music by : Hanif Shaikh
Studio : DAR Motion Pictures
Genre : Thriller and Comedy
Release date : 25 October 2013
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