Monday 28 October 2013

Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan going to the gym everyday at the age of 71

Popular Bollywood Star Big B going to Gym everyday at the age of 71 also. He is not inactive or lazy at this age als. He is working hard and not feeling tired which comes with the age.

Big B posted Sunday night on his blog that,"Despite the pain, despite the deviation and disagreement, despite the 'laziness'- the apathy of peoples, despite all things... go to gym, come what may."

He added, "Carry it, Fight with it, allow it to tear into the body, screech out the music with effort... and conclude with that something satisfaction of fighting an peculiarity."

Going to the gym everyday doing the struggle and the pain from it motivates him to go back Eveyday.....

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